Silent Hill Playground - Silent Hill
Item: Energy Drink
Purpose: Replenishes a little stamina
Found: On house steps, table tops, on the floor/ground, end of streets.
Use: When you have been wounded and your gauge is yellow to orange.
Item: First Aid Kit
Purpose: Replenishes a lot of stamina. Very effective.
Found: On table tops, end of streets, on the floor/ground.
Use: When you have been wounded and your gauge is orange to a deep orange/red.
Item: Ampoule
Purpose: Replenishes all stamina and attacks are less damaging for a short period of time.
Found: VERY RARE, you have to look very carefully for this item. Found mostly in the "Alternative" places.
Use: Save this item for bosses only.
Item: Handgun
Purpose: For medium range battles
Found: Given to you by Cybil
Use: On faster land dwelling creatures and the flying enemy.
Item: Handgun bullets
Purpose: Ammunition for your handgun
Found: On house steps, table tops, on the floor/ground, end of streets. You can carry up to 200 at a time.
Use: When your handgun is low on rounds, make sure you have plenty in stock at all times.
Item: Iron Pipe
Purpose: Close range weapon
Found: Down the same alley that Harry last saw Cheryl
Use: Only if low on ammunition, or for close range battles with slow moving enemies.

Item: Shotgun
Purpose: Medium range weapon.
Found: In the toilets of the Alternative School.
Use: Only for bosses and harder-to-kill enemies.
Item: Shotgun Shells
Purpose: Ammunition for your Shotgun
Found: On house steps, table tops, on the floor/ground, end of streets. You can carry up to 200 at a time.
Use: When your handgun is low on rounds, make sure you have plenty in stock at all times.
Item: Hunting Rifle
Purpose: Medium to long range weapon.
Found: In an abandoned store while fighting the giant caterpillar in a broken shelf.
Use: Only for bosses, if you can save it for only the final boss.
Item: Rifle shells
Purpose: Ammunition for you hunting rifle.
Found: Rare item, mainly in the Alternative world.
Use: When your rifle is low on rounds, slow to reload.
Item: Knife
Purpose: Extreamly close range weapon
Found: On counter in the cafe where you first speak with Cybil.
Use: Only as a last resort for close range battles, with slow moving enemies.
Item: Flash Light
Purpose: For seeing when inside or during the night.
Found: On the counter in the cafe where you first speak with Cybil.
Use: It will automatically turn on when it is too dark, although you can turn it off incase you want to avoid enemies.
Item: Radio
Purpose: A warning system for enemy encounters.
Found: On a table in the cafe where you first speak to Cybil.
Use: It automatically makes a static noise when enemies are near, but you can switch it off if you want.
Item: Axe
Purpose: Short range weapon
Found: Near the strange altar in the Alternative Church.
Use: Only as a last resort, it's more of a special item than one to actually use during battle.

Item: Flauros
Purpose: Unknown
Found: Given to you by Dahlia Gallespy
Use: Unknown
Other Items: **Please note, some spoilers if you click on location link**
Chainsaw - rewarded to you once you have completed the game. Location.
RockDrill - rewarded to you once you have completed the game. Location.
Fuel - Used in the rockdrill or the chainsaw. Rewarded to you once you have completed the game. Location.
Chanelling Stone - Rewarded to you once you have completed the game. Location & where to use.
Hyperblaster - Rewarded to you once you have completed the game in hard. This item will appear in your submenu item screen once you have earned it and restart your game.
Katana - Rewarded to you once you finish the game with a Bad or Bad + ending. Found in the house behind the doghouse.
Red liquid - This is essencial for getting the "good" ending. Location and where to use it.
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